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佛山市伟煌业不锈钢制品有限公司制作加工不锈钢各类制品:古典的不锈钢屏风由不一样的颜色及款式去营造出来,想达到样的效果就用不一样的颜色,咖啡色、黑钛、红古铜等都属于比较经典的色系。不一样的屏风图案及样式就不一样的制作工艺,用不锈钢方管焊接拼装出来,焊接也分为满焊或者点焊,满焊又称之为无缝焊接,点焊是指每个接口点几下。 不一样的焊接价格相差每平方可以去到150-500不等。所以要看客户的要求程度而去计价和制作。本厂生产不锈钢屏风、镂空屏风,制作工艺:采用不锈钢制作,焊接均为全焊或者点焊,焊接口均打磨并抛光拉丝平整无缝隙,外框均用不锈钢方管或者板材刨坑折弯成型,花纹均焊接在方管内整体可做成拆装或者不拆装,镀色可按照客户要求制作出各式各样的颜色色彩。 Foshan Wei Huang Industry Co., Ltd. Professional production of stainless steel products processing all types of stainless steel products: stainless steel screens from the classic color and different styles to build out and want to achieve any kind of effect on the use of different colors, brown, black titanium, red bronze belong to the more classic colors. The screen is not the same is not the same pattern and style of the production process, with the stainless steel tube welded assembly out, welding or spot welding is also divided into full, full welding also known as seamless welding, spot welding is the point of each interface few. Not the same as the price difference per square weld can go to 150-500 dollars. Therefore, the degree depends on the requirements of customers away pricing and production. Our factory specializes in producing stainless steel screens, hollow wall, the production process: the use of high-quality stainless steel, are welded or spot welding, grinding and polishing welds are brushed smooth seamless, all stainless steel square tube frame or dig pits folded sheet curved shape, pattern are welded square tube can be made within the overall removable or non removable, plating color can be according to customer requirements to produce a variety of colors colors.