








名称:蛋挞铝盒 规格:Topout :74mm Topin :64mm Base :40mm Height :21mm 厚度:0.04mm 用途:蛋挞托盘、蛋糕托盘、布丁托盘 适用于生日聚餐、家庭聚会、公司会餐、酒店自助餐、快餐店等 优点: 1、价格便宜,可重复使用并可回收,是当今世界流行的环保材料 2、能够承受高低温(-20℃-250℃)分子结构稳定不变化的包装材料,它可以从冰箱到烤箱再到餐桌上而不需要更换容器,相比目前普遍使用的塑料快餐盒只能承受的温度范围是-16℃到85℃。铝箔闪亮的表面在多功能烤箱中多次使用后,外表依然光亮,同时食物也能保持它的色泽和味道。 3、美观性铝箔容器防渗漏,结实,容易整理而且使食物保持新鲜。铝的传导性很好,能加速烘烤和冷冻的速度。和其他包装材料相比,铝箔容器能够更快更好的恢复原貌。 4、环保性铝箔容器的使用不对环境造成任何的影响,安全,使用方便,价格同步于塑料制品,还可节约用水。使用铝箔容器包装快餐代替塑料制品,可保护环境,减少白色污染。 注意: 1、请您告诉我们的材料,厚度,大小,颜色和其他印刷产品的特殊要求。我们可以给你优惠; 2、我们可以生产各种包装袋和包装膜根据您的要求。如果有必要,我们可以给你一些意见以作参考; 3、以上图片仅供参考... 联系方式: 联系人:沈佳佳 手机: 86-18057322900 电话:573-84758196 传真:573-84758198 QQ :943242567 Name: Aluminum egg tarts Specifications: Topout :74mm Topin :64mm Base :40mm Height :21mm Thickness: 0.04mm Uses: egg tart tray, cake tray, pudding tray For birthday dinners, family gatherings, corporate dinners, hotel buffet, fast food shops Advantages: 1, cheap, reusable and recyclable, is the world’s most popular eco-friendly materials 2, able to withstand high and low temperature (-20 ℃ -250 ℃), the molecular structure of the packaging material is stability and not change , it can move from the refrigerator to the oven to the table without changing containers, compared to the current widespread use of plastic fast-food containers only withstand the temperature range is -16 ℃ to 85 ℃. The shiny surface of aluminum foil after use several times in the multi-function oven , still looks bright,,at the same time the food can maintain its color and flavor. 3, the appearance of aluminum foil containers leak proof, sturdy, easy to organize and to keep the food fresh. Good conductivity of aluminum, can accelerate the rate of baked and frozen. And compared other packaging materials, aluminum foil containers can be restored faster and better. 4, the use of environmentally friendly aluminum foil container does not cause any environmental im
“供应蛋挞托 蛋挞铝盒 蛋挞杯 质优价廉,产品卫生、量、率!”信息由发布人自行提供,其真实性、合法性由发布人负责。交易汇款需谨慎,请注意调查核实。